Current, local weather report: 72 Fahrenheit, bright sun, slight breeze. Yellow daffodils, wild purple iris blooming at neighbor's front door. Current, internal weather conditions reflect the external, environmental conditions. It is March 18th.
The Middle East is having multiple revolutions, the mid-West of the USA --Wisconsin-- has been having it's own revolution, earthquakes and subsequent Tsunami have rocked the Pacific ocean and killed possibly tens of thousands in Japan, the Mayan prophecies (and other indigenous people's prophecies) are possibly being actualized with tectonic and polar shift. And here am I, in a safe and calm place.
I truly hope that people around the world will heed the warnings-- no one should live near a fault line, a coast line, or even low elevations, in my opinion. As one letter from a Native elder says, "If Spirit tells you to move, move." Ultimately, though, I know it's not a bad thing to "leave the space suit". However, I would like to live a full, long, healthy life in the body I have right now, so I feel grateful that I followed the call to this place.
In the meantime, lots of housekeeping; cooking and cleaning, externally as well as internally. Internal Spring cleaning includes generous, daily doses of Chlorella, which I am slowly building up, Neem, and Turmeric; the latter two are thousands of years old Ayurvedic herbal panaceas. Trying to stay physically active, including slow, long stretching, which in my experience, assists in detoxification. I've been much too sedentary, due to the struggles I've had physically and emotionally. My joints have been chronically aching and my body has been stiff. Suspect the possibility of systemic Candida and parasites.
I am having an experience now of what they mean when they say that the first year or two of marriage is the hardest. New issues come up, older issues not resolved definitely become louder after marriage. Loic agreed to have another "talk" this morning, and I am very glad. My ultimate goal is that we grow together, and grow a deeper and deeper connection. I have seen the beginnings of that, and feel hopeful.
March and April, I am told, is the windy season here. So far, it's been pretty calm. Tonight, though, I can hear the wind howl through the windows. It's a full moon, showing itself above the hazy shadows of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, in view on the Eastern side of our apartment. If I hadn't already made significant progress communicating with (and making peace with) the spirits here, my skin would be crawling. Trust me, even the most grounded of my good friends, remarked on the spirit she encountered in her hotel room while visiting here for two nights.
People either love or hate this place; there is no in-between. Equally, if you live here, you will go crazy, and I mean this in good ways and not-so-good ways. This place is full of nuts, and I have become one of them. I commune with invisible beings, for heaven's sake. I underwent a shamanic healing last week, and when I got up from the table I was lying upon, quite unexpectedly, all my body pain had disappeared. It is still mostly gone, compared to what it was.
As I've said before, this is a place of healing, and it can happen really fast. I was reflecting on how far I've come in such a short period of time-- a little over four months.
My client base has been growing, I'm happy to report. Although I have still been doing quite a bit of bartering, I actually got paid twice this week. It may not be impressive for Chicago, but it's impressive for Santa Fe. I have the added benefit of attaining much altered states of consciousness while doing a session, which happens more often and more intensely when I do energy sessions alone. Since these states are extremely pleasant and fulfilling, I tend to favor energy sessions, for selfish reasons.
We continue our exploration of hot springs... February 18th, Loic couldn't go due to his work schedule, but I accompanied fellow Couchsurfers Ana and Rob, and their friend Storm, to Spence hot springs. A lukewarm and very frequented spring, but such beauty surrounding it! Later, on February 27th, Loic and I were guided by Couchsurfer Shannon, to San Antonio hot springs, a 3 1/2 mile hike into a much more remote area in the mountains. Even though we were hiking the entire time under snowfall, and upon snow-covered ice, we were still amazed to find no one on the trail or at the spring, the entire day. I had been nervous about this hike. You've already heard about my physical challenges. And I did end up slipping and falling quite a bit. And I did end up swallowing an ibuprofen when we arrived, and at bedtime later. And it took me two days to recover, with a lot of extra sleeping. But it was amazing... the beauty on the hike and at the spring itself. And hot, and so clean. Great photos on my Facebook profile, if you haven't seen them (one is at the beginning of this blog).
I went to Ojo Caliente during daylight, last Sunday, without Loic, but with a new friend, to celebrate her birthday. Overrun with people, and a film on the surface of the waters. I vowed never again to go during the day, during the weekend, in warmer weather. One thing I have loved about visiting hot springs in so-called inclement weather, is that there are a lot less people. I am not people-hating, but I'm certainly crowd-hating, especially when it comes to group bathing, with people of questionable hygiene, and/or questionable health. Maybe it's something I need to get over, my fear of disease and contamination.
In the last day or so, I've returned to concept of Patriarchy ( I was a Women and Gender Studies student in college, and I read and wrote about the subject) ...and our changing world. The earthquakes and Tsunami, the Mayan calendar and prophecy, the trends away from materialism and consumerism, towards connectedness and Earth-based consciousness, are all a part of this. I just finished an excellent book by John Perkins (author of the bestselling, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman") called, "Shapeshifting: Shamanic Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation". I had no idea this guy was writing books on shamanism, originally inspired by his visits to local tribal elders, during his exploitative trips to third world countries while working for the US government. He eventually quit doing these horrific jobs, and started to lead trips for groups to visit these shamans, and learn from them. There are many pages I could quote, but I'll share this one:
"You asked, so we are here to explain. But you've already seen it. Or at least enough. There is a direct correlation between the rise of 'advanced, civilized societies' and the demise of the shamanic ones that emphasize closeness to and dependence on nature. That encourage ecstasy."
"Ecstasy!"The women rolled their eyes and moved their bodies seductively; four or five of them touched their breasts.
"Ecstasy is what we all desire. It is a natural state of heightened passions when we feel our oneness with all things. But those who would dominate others hate ecstasy. Passion includes anger and rebellion. It threatens their control. They discredit shamans who espouse it. They try to force the goddess out of religion and the priestess out of women. Woman the ecstatic. Instead they teach their sheep that happiness comes from owning things, that heaven is a huge store. 'Out with the primitive' they shout. 'Tame nature!' " (p 153)
I do hope that you will read this book... and discuss it.
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